06 January 2010

Winter in the Northeast

If anyone asked 20 years ago what a typical winter would be in the northeast, you would have been answered by lots of snow, at least that is how I remember it. But for the last 5 years we've had little snow here in Northeastern PA. Except for this year. Yay!! I've missed the snow. It's what I remember when I was a kid.

My childhood was filled with many ups and downs, lots of uncertainty; but the snow was always there every winter. I always loved going outside right after a snow storm. It was always so quiet and clean. The first movie Narnia reminds me of this... can you imagine if you walked into this wood and you pushed through the branches a little farther that you'd stumble upon a new world? Ok Maybe not :)


  1. These are gorgeous photos! We've been having snow, but living in the city doesn't quite give you the magical feeling!

  2. Beautiful pictures! The kids actually said "That looks like Narnia!" when they saw the pictures!! Glad your back~ I missed you:) Terri

  3. Thank you, thank you! I try. ;)

    Nice post, Mama. I liked the "It was always so quiet and clean," bit.

  4. Klazane is the talented gal who took those pretty pictures for me :) Thanks

  5. Brrrrr, I am chilly just looking at your photos. I like the idea of another world just beyond the branches.


Thank you for your comments <3


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