09 December 2008

Zakka's ornament idea

I thought this was really cute. You can find the whole thing with more pictures here: http://zakkalife.blogspot.com/2008/12/kokeshi-doll-christmas-ornaments.html I made something like this a few years ago with clothespins, eye hooks at top, but made carolers, skaters and the like. For skaters I used a piece of stiff gray felt hot glued to feet to make the blade of the skate.

Zakkalife was busy making kokeshi doll ornaments for her daughter's nursery class. She decided to give ornaments since she's been told no one throws away a Christmas ornament. Do you think this true? Have you ever thrown away Christmas ornament? The only ornaments most of us have ever thrown away were broken ones. Curious to hear your thoughts.Directions to make Kokeshi Doll Ornaments here. She also made a gift tag to go with the ornaments, see her page, she offers for people to copy and use it if they wish.


  1. Aren't those kokeshi ornaments cute? I wish I had more time this holiday season to make some.

    Your sister's tree farm sounds great. Too bad it's 3000 miles away. I suppose there are tree farms around here someplace too, but I have never been to one. City folk, you know.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  2. Those are so cute! I must admit I have thrown away Christmas ornaments that I don't like. I just don't see the use in hanging them on my tree if I don't even like looking at them.

  3. Jeannette,

    thank you for featuring the kokeshi dolls on your blog, I'm flattered that you like them enough to post them on your site



Thank you for your comments <3


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