13 February 2011


With the age of microwaves I didn't know how to make popcorn for a long time until my husband showed me. It is ridiculously simple and yet it can burn easily. LOL,,, but don't be discouraged, it's not hard.
First I start with 2 T. (tablespoons) of cooking oil. I do not use a pan with a copper bottom because it heats slowly and I always end up cooking it too long in that pan and then some of it burns. I would suggest using a "cheaper pan" and please let me suggest to use the same pan always b/c you'll get to know how it cooks time wise in that pan. If you make it regularly you will perfect it in that one pan, but if you use different pans you need again to watch and listen carefully.
I use 1/4 c of popping kernels, so it's double of how much oil you use. (I've tried to use butter but it usually burns).
Pretty simple right.
Cover pan.
Heat on medium.
Shake pan about every minute until you hear the 1st kernel pop. Then shake every 20 - 30 seconds after that 1st piece pops. Don't peek because you could get burned.
At some point it will slow down. Watch for the next stage when it is only popping about every 3 or more seconds. It's done by then. Don't try to pop every piece.
Dump in a big bowl and add your favorite topping or eat it as is :) If you are daring, try ScooterMcGee's Kettle Corn. If you love Roba's Kettle Corn, you may want to try and make some. Or are you they type of person who only likes kettle corn in the autumn with your candy apples and pumpkin pie?

1 comment:

  1. I have always made popcorn like this!!!! It's not hard at all! Growing up in Ecuador we didnt' have microwave popcorn, and although it is super convenient - I still always like some good ol' fashioned popcorn. :)


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